"The United Nations Organization they have instructed their officials not to use WhatsApp to communicate. The instruction appeared on internal messaging boards in early February, notifying employees that "Signal has been selected as the recommended application for public instant messaging." The app is favored by privacy activists due to its end-to-end encryption and open source technology. "The european commission has asked its staff to start using Signal, an end-to-end encrypted messaging application, in an attempt to increase the security of their communications. For example, regarding WhatsApp, credible news has emerged from organizations such as:

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We generally do this to refer to your vulnerabilities or to make comparisons with others, especially free and open solutions.

Session: An Open Source Secure Messaging Appĭue to the multiple and repeated news about WhatsApp's known or probable vulnerabilities, one of the most used messaging applications in the world, by individuals and organizations, many have migrated in parallel or totally, for a long time to other recommended applications such as Telegram y Signal.Įn FromLinux, we don't usually talk about WhatsApp, Ya que It is not Free or Open Source Software.